European Heritage sites are milestones in the creation of today’s Europe. Spanning from the dawn of civilization to the Europe we see today, these sites celebrate and symbolise European ideals, values, history and integration.

Since 2013, these sites have been carefully selected for their symbolic value, the role they have played in the European history and activities they offer that bring the European Union and its citizens closer together.

What makes the European Heritage Label unique and how is it different from the UNESCO World Heritage List? There are three key differences:

  • European Heritage sites bring to life the European narrative and the history behind it. They are about much more than just aesthetics.
  • The focus is on the promotion of the European dimension of the sites and providing access to them. This includes organising a wide range of educational activities, especially for young people.
  • European Heritage sites can be enjoyed singly or as part of a network. Visitors can get a real feel for the breadth and scale of what Europe has to offer and what it has achieved.


‘Cultural heritage is a textbook – a wonderful textbook that tells us about our shared history, our shared culture and shared values. This is the reason why we believe that schools should, in the future, focus much more on cultural heritage as a resource for teaching and learning, and to form responsible and active European citizens’.

Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović, Europa Nostra  Secretary General 

Europeana empowers the cultural heritage sector in its digital transformation.
At Europeana they work with thousands of European archives, libraries and museums to share cultural heritage for enjoyment, education and research.

Europeana provides access to millions of books, music, artworks and more – with sophisticated search and filter tools to help you find what you’re looking for.
To find out how cultural material gets from Europe’s institutions into Europeana, and the activities and challenges they’re working on right now, you can go behind the scenes on our sister site, Europeana Pro.